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Location:  Norwegian Marine Institute, Pynten, Nordnes, Bergen

Workshopinvitation: Digital Twins of the Ocean Interoperability - Workshop Agenda

Workshop for projects related to Digital Twins of the Ocean technologies

May 30th, 2024, 0900 – 1530 Location:  Institute for Marine Research (IMR (HI)), Pynten, Nordnes, Bergen

Held in conjunction with (the day after) IMDIS 2024 in Bergen, May 27-29, 2024, IMDIS 2024 - Bergen (Norway), 27-29 May I
nternational Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems

Workshop Theme and Goals

The purpose of the workshop is to gather current projects that are working with Digital Twins of the Ocean technologies for a joint discussion on interoperability concerns and solutions (technical, semantic, organisational, legal interoperability). 

The focus of the workshop will be on how to plan for achieving interoperability between the results/operational infrastructures of the various projects and initiatives.  A starting point for this will be based on the related posters and oral presentations that will be given during the three days of IMDIS 2024.

Each project is requested to prepare a short presentation on interoperability points related to data/model representations and APIs/services they will use/offer. 

The target is to identify and consider results presented for the various IMDIS sessions that could be useful for the Interoperability of Digital Twins of the Ocean.

IMDIS 2024 session topics – oral and posters:

  • INFRA: Marine environmental infrastructures for observation data
  • PRODUCTS: Data products, information and knowledge
  • SERVICES: Data services and tools in ocean science
  • TECH: Technical developments for marine information and data management

Overall Agenda

The workshop will occur in four segments.
Short presentations per project/topic - 10 minutes – including time for QA/Discussions.

  1. Wednesday evening , May 29th, 2024,  19:00, Social gathering for workshop participants at Bryggeloftet, Bryggen 11   
  2. Thursday morning, May 30th, 2024, 09:00-12:00,  Short project statements on approaches and recommendations for DTO data and model interoperability – including also relevant links to project posters and oral presentations during the previous IMDIS 2024 days.
  3. LUNCH, May 30th, 2024, 12:00-13:00
  4. Thursday  afternoon, May 30th, 2024, 13:00-15:30, Discussions on further actions to be taken within the projects to ensure future DTO data and model interoperability – based on the project presentations and the expperiences from IMDIS 2024.


Registration for physical participation – on the DTO INTEROP Registration page:

See also the IMDIS web page 

Teams link for remote participation:   
Microsoft Teams

Join the meeting now

Workshop Chairs

Arne J. Berre
SINTEF Digital
Oslo, Norway

Helge Sagen/Linn Moholt
Institute of Marine Research
Bergen, Norway

Ute Brönner
Trondheim, Norway